Data protection notice of the Regional Finance Office & the local tax offices in the State of Hesse

Information on the processing of your data in accordance with Article 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

References to legal regulations refer to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act (HDSIG) – which can be accessed using the abbreviation “HDSIG” at Bürgerservice HessenrechtOpens in a new window (Hessen Law Citizen Service) (in German).

Scope of application

This data protection notice applies to the website of the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main and to the personal data collected via this website (see below “Usage data”). For websites of other providers which are referred to via links, for example, the specific data protection information and declarations published on those websites apply.

The data protection notice for the tax assessment procedure can be accessed at in a new window (in German).

General Information


The Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main, represented by the President / Oberfinanzpräsidentin, Zum Gottschalkhof 3, 60594 Frankfurt am Main (Tel. + 49 69 58303 0; is responsible for the processing of personal data on this website.

Personal data

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, as defined in Article 4 of the GDPR. An identifiable person is a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by using an assignment to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more personal characteristics that are an expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Data protection officer

The single data protection officer / gemeinsame Datenschutzbeauftragte (gDSB) of the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main and the local tax offices in the State of Hesse can be contacted via the

Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main, Gemeinsame Datenschutzbeauftragte, Zum Gottschalkhof 3, 60594 Frankfurt am Main (Tel. + 49 69 58303 2580;

Purpose and legal basis of data processing

The Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main und the local tax offices in the State of Hesse process your data within the scope of this website, in order to provide you with access to the website and to be able to process your requests communicated via the website. The personal data processed within the scope of this online offer includes usage data (e.g. pages visited) and content data (e.g. entries in the contact form). The performance of these tasks is in the public interest. The legal basis for data processing is, unless more specific legal bases are relevant, point (e) of Article 6(1) GDPR in conjunction with § 3 (1) HDSIG.

Insofar as you are expressly asked in individual cases whether you agree to the processing of your personal data, data processing is carried out on the basis of point (a) of Article 6(1) GDPR. You can cancel your consent at any time. However, this will only work for the future. Any processing taking place until the cancellation therefore remains lawful.

Recipients of your personal data

As a matter of principle, the only recipients of your personal data are the employees of the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main and the local tax offices in the State of Hesse who are entrusted with processing the respective case. Your personal data will only be distributed within the framework of the provisions of the applicable law or your consent, thereby ensuring that your data is not disclosed to unauthorised persons.

In order to process your request it may also be necessary, depending on the circumstances, to pass on data relating to you to other bodies within the State administration, federal or local authorities. If you do not agree with this, please inform us immediately.

Under certain circumstances, your personal data may also be subject to commissioned data processing by technical service providers such as the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing / Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD). Within the scope of this commissioned data processing, your data is processed strictly for the intended purpose, i.e. it is subject to the same guarantees as the data processing by the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main and the local tax offices in the State of Hesse.

Duration of personal data storage

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as it is required to process your request, unless special regulations apply. As soon as the data stored by us is no longer required for its originally intended purpose and no statutory retention period conflicts, the data will be deleted.

Your rights

Insofar as we process your personal data you are entitled to the following rights, which result in particular from Articles 15 to 18, 21 GDPR and §§ 52 and 53 HDSIG, as a data subject:

Right to information

You can request information about your personal data processed by us in accordance with Article 15 GDPR or § 52 HDSIG. In your request for information, you should specify your request to make it easier for us to compile the required data. Please note that your right to information is restricted by the provisions of § 24 (2), § 26 (2) and § 33 HDSIG as well as § 52 (2) to (5) HDSIG.

Right to rectification

If the information concerning you is not (or no longer) correct, you can request a correction in accordance with Article 16 GDPR or § 53 HDSIG. If your data is incomplete, you can request that it be completed.

Right to erasure

You can request the erasure of your personal data under the conditions of Article 17 GDPR and §§ 34 and 53 HDSIG. Your right to erasure depends, amongst other things, on whether the data relating to you is still required by us to process your request or whether any statutory retention period conflicts exist.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request restriction of processing of data relating to you within the framework of the provisions of Article 18 GDPR and § 53 HDSIG.

Right to object

In accordance with Article 21 GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of data relating to you at any time for reasons resulting from your particular situation. However, we cannot always comply with this, for example if a legal provision obliges us to process data within the meaning of § 35 of the HDSIG as part of our official duties.

Right of complaint

General information on data protection can be found on the websites of the data protection supervisory authorities at  www.datenschutz.hessen.deOpens in a new window and www.bfdi.bund.deOpens in a new window (in German).

If you are of the opinion that we have not complied with data protection regulations when processing your personal data in connection with the use of our website or processing your request, you can lodge a complaint and, in particular, contact the Hessian Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. The contact details can be found on the above websites.

Information about the website


The website is maintained by the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing / Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) (www.hzd.hessen.deOpens in a new window) as a technical service provider on our behalf and according to our specifications.

Contact form

If you provide us with personal data as part of an enquiry via our contact form, we will use this data to fulfil our tasks exclusively for the purpose for which you provide us with this data, in particular for the purpose of responding to your enquiries. The data will be stored at the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing / Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) and will only be used for processing your request by the technically responsible persons.

During our handling of the case it may be necessary for us to ask you for further data and information. If you do not wish to provide us with further information in such a case, this will not have any adverse consequences. However, failure to provide the requested information may make it difficult or impossible to process your request. If you are obliged to provide information to the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main or the local tax offices in the State of Hesse, we will notify you of this in separate information in which we draw your attention to any legally disadvantageous consequences of your failure to provide information.

In order to respond to your enquiries or to process your request, it may also be necessary, depending on the circumstances, to pass on data relating to you to other bodies within the State administration, federal or local authorities. If you do not agree with forwarding which does not only concern the responsible ministry, please be sure to let us know by activating the option field provided for this purpose in our online form accordingly.

If the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main is not responsible for your request, we will forward your entry to the responsible local tax office in the state of Hesse and inform you of this, provided that this is in accordance with your enquiry.

By using the contact form, you agree that the Regional Finance Office / Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt am Main and/ or the local tax offices in the State of Hesse may also communicate with you electronically. If you do not agree with this, please inform us in your message. Please note that information sent unencrypted by electronic mail (email) may be read by third parties via the transmission route. If you wish to send us data deserving particular protection, we recommend that you send this message by post.

After the final processing of your request, at the latest after the end of one month, the data will be deleted or, in the case of file-relevant processes, stored in accordance with the retention periods stipulated in the applicable Erlass zur Aktenführung in den Dienststellen des Landes HessenOpens in a new window (decree on file management in the offices of the State of Hesse) (in German).

Online appointment booking

If you provide us with personal data as part of the online appointment booking, via our online form, we will use this data to fulfil our tasks exclusively for the purpose for which you provide us with this data, in particular for the purpose of booking an appointment online. The data will be stored at the commissioned data processor Terminland GmbH, Kreuzberger Ring 44a, 65205 Wiesbaden (Tel. + 49 611 97773 18; and will only be used for processing your request by the technically responsible persons.

Personal data will be anonymised no later than one month after the agreed date has taken place or the agreed date has expired. The anonymised data will be deleted after two years. The anonymised data will be required for statistical evaluations during this period.

Sending a link to an item ("Send as email")

You can use an electronic form to send a link to an item on the website, supplemented by a personal message if necessary, to a third party to draw their attention to the item. Data provided by yourself, such as the user's email address and the recipient's email address and the title and link of the item, will be stored at the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing / Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) in order to be able to clarify unauthorised use or to prevent misuse and are automatically deleted seven days after the end of access.

Transmission of data to a social network

On the homepage and in the Social Media Newsroom you can activate data feeds and also recommend the content of a website in your profile by clicking on a button. In both cases, user data, such as the IP address, will be transmitted to the social network. However, this will only happen if the user has given (one-time) express consent when activating this feature. After this, data will be transmitted to the social network during every subsequent use of the website without further notice.

The operator of the website will not store any data. The user can deactivate this feature at any time and thus prevent the transmission of data in the future.

Provision of embedded videos

Videos hosted by YouTube are embedded on the website. By accessing the website containing the embedded video, user data, such as the IP address, will be transmitted to YouTube. However, the data will only be transmitted to YouTube, after the user has given express consent.

The operator of the website will not store any data. The user can deactivate this feature at any time and thus prevent the transmission of data in the future.

Usage data

Each time an Internet file is requested, the following access data is stored at the Hessian Central Office for Data Processing / Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung (HZD) for statistical evaluations by employees of the State administration or the HZD:

  • the page from which the file was requested,
  • the name of the requested file,
  • the date and time of the request,
  • the amount of data transmitted,
  • the access status (file transmitted, file not found, etc.),
  • the access type (GET, POST),
  • the description of the browser or operating system used,
  • the anonymised IP address of the requesting computer,
  • the session ID
  • cookies

For reasons of data security, i.e. for the purpose of clarifying unauthorised access or preventing misuse of the website, the complete IP address of the requesting computer is recorded, stored and automatically deleted seven days after the end of the access. Web requests are also routed through an external IT security service provider to prevent attacks (e.g. DDoS attacks). The full IP address is also stored here for seven days and then deleted.

Cookies or JAVA applets may be used on this website. The use of these functionalities can be switched off by the respective user through the browser programme settings.

Your personal data is not transmitted to third countries. There is no automated decision-making on the basis of your personal data.

Published: May 5, 2023