If you are an employee with income from employment, your employer is obliged to withhold wages tax from your wage or salary payments and remit it to the local tax authorities.
In order to withhold an appropriate amount of wages tax according to your personal circumstances (e.g. family status, children), wage tax deduction details (e.g. tax class or any allowances) are collected for each employee and made available upon request to their employer electronically by the local tax office (electronic wage tax deduction details, abbreviated as “ELStAM” in Germany). To obtain this information, your employer will need your IdNo and your date of birth as well as the information whether this is your main or secondary employment. You will not need to quote your tax number.
Further information on wage tax deduction and how to apply for changes to your details can be found in the free brochure “Kleiner Ratgeber für Lohnsteuerzahler” on wages tax (in German).
Please note: Should you not (yet) be registered with the registration authority of your municipality in Germany, the wage tax deduction information cannot be made available to your employer electronically. In this case, a paper certificate will be provided. Please contact the local tax office responsible for your tax matters.