E-Mail communication

Contact form

Do you have a general question about tax issues or would you like to tell us something? Then please use the contact form below. Our colleagues at the service hotline of the Hessian Tax Administration will reliably answer your request.

General questions or questions about ELSTER

If you have any questions that do not require access to your tax file, please use the contact form below.

If you have any questions about "Mein ELSTER", we recommend that you always provide us with a telephone number where we can reach you in order to clarify any queries.

Indicates required field


If the data is required to answer your enquiry, you have the option of entering your address here:

Please provide your e-mail address for a reply.

Please include your telephone number for any queries.

Please limit the subject to 125 characters.

Note on the form:

Only copy unformatted texts into the form. Please note that only the following characters are allowed in the form: A-Z, a-z, Umlauts, ß, 0-9, áàâÁÀÂéèêÉÈÊôÔ as well as the special characters ,; . : ( ) ? ! @ " „ ‟ ' § € / + -* _ .

Disclosure of personal data